Cubbie Beanie Babies were originally released under the name Brownie, but besides the tags, Cubbie and Brownie are the same. Brownie versions are almost impossible to find and are very rare.
Some versions of Cubbie have value but they have very rare tags, either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Generation. It's not likely you have one of these.
The most common versions are Cubbie's with either a 4th or 5th Generation Hang Tag. Typically you can purchase these Cubbie's for around $5.
Original 9
Cubbie/Brownie is apart of the Original 9 Beanie Babies group and was one of the very first to be shown off at a 1993 toy show by Ty Warner.

Cubbie The Bear
Original DOB: November 14, 1993 (Brownie)
Retired: December 31, 1997
Style Number: 4010
Hang Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Tush Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Cubbie Value Guide
Hang Tag Versions Worth Money
1st - 2nd - 3rd
1st Generation: $500+
2nd Generation: $300+
3rd Generation: $50+
*Prices are for authenticated versions
Hang Tag Versions NOT Worth Money
4th Generation
5th Generation

Not Worth Money

Hang Tag Generation: 1st Generation
Tush Tag Generation: 1st Generation
Value: $500+
Notice that the front of the tag has no Yellow Star! This Cubbie has a 1st Generation Hang & Tush Tag, making it the most rare combination.
Versions with a 1st Generation Hang Tag can ONLY have a 1st Generation Tush Tag.

Hang Tag Generation: 2nd Generation
Tush Tag Generation: 1st Generation
Value: $300+
Notice that the front of the tag has no Yellow Star!
Versions with a 2nd Generation Hang Tag can ONLY have a 1st Generation Tush Tag.

Hang Tag Generation: 3rd Generation
Tush Tag Generation: 1st/2nd Generation
Value: $50+
Notice that the front of the tag has no Yellow Star!
Versions with a 3rd Generation Hang Tag can have a 1st OR 2nd Generation Tush Tag.

Hang Tag Generation: 4th-5th Generation
Tush Tag Generation: 3-6th Generation
Value: $1-$5+
Notice that the front of the tag HAS a Yellow Star!
These are the most common versions of Cubbie made, perhaps several million exist.
I have a Cubbie with a Cubbie Hang Tag and Blackie Tush Tag. Is it worth anything?
Hello, I watched the video on beanie baby value. I dont really know what my beanie baby edition is, but it’s a Cubbie bear that I got for my 5th grade graduation over 20 years ago. The tush tag is in red writing but it says 1993 on it. I think the hang tag opens like a book from what I can see (it has a hard plastic protective case) So if this has any value, it would be awesome to know. I’d also like to know how I can sell it or who to sell it to? Thank you 🙂
2.25 each