Derby is one of the most common Beanie Babies that you might find.
Despite what you might read online, and even see below with some of the high prices, it's actually very rare to have a Derby worth money.
The only Derby's worth money will have either a
1st Generation Tush Tag
2nd Generation Tush Tag
All other version will be very common, again, no matter what you read online, and won't be worth very much money.

Fine Mane Version
Hang Tag Generation: 3rd Generation
Tush Tag Generation: 1st Generation
Authenticated By: True Blue Beans
Sold For: $750
Date Sold: March 31, 2017

3rd Generation Hang Tag
1st Generation Tush Tag
Sold For: $305
Date Sold: September 2017
Buyer left positive feedback for seller

German Tags - Coarse Mane
Hang Tag Generation: 3rd Generation
Tush Tag Generation: 1st Generation
Authenticated By: True Blue Beans
Sold For: $152
Date Sold: May 28, 2017

Coarse Mane Version
Hang Tag Generation: 3rd Generation
Tush Tag Generation: 2nd Generation
Authenticated By: True Blue Beans
Sold For: $135
October 2021

Hang Tag Generation: 4th-5th Generation
Yellow Star on Hang Tag
Not worth much 🙁
Derby with 4th generation hang tag, German address, website info. Yarn mane and tail. Yellow star on tag. Any value?
derby first gen no star tag but tush tag any value
I have a derby that has I believe 4th generation hang and tush tag, but it has the yarn mane and tail like the 3rd generation pictured above. Is there any value to this one?
I have a Derby tag inside says 9-16-95 I believe is 2nd generation? But how do I tell if the tush tag is 2nd,3nd generation?
You can watch this video:
We have a 1995 Derby with a fine mane, with a red and white tush tag and made with PE pellets. Unfortunately, we cannot find the hang tag (our young kids, at the time, thought it was great to pull them off). We are totally confused by all the information we are finding and still don’t know if our Derby is worth anything. Can someone please help?
I have a ty beanie baby the name on it is Derby. Its horse with coarse hair, has no hang tag only tush tag, of 1995, pe pellets, says Oakbrook, Illinois, USA. ANYONE KNOW ITS ESTIMATED VALUE? Please leave a reply. Thank you.
Derby with hang tag that says Derby and tush tag that says Iggy. Ever seen that before?
I have a lot of Ty Beanie Babies I have a list made up here that shows the style the name the birth and the barcode number I really want to sell them cuz I need the money I know some of worth a lot of money in summer work just a little money
4th generation swing tag, 5th generation tush tag, with coarse yarn hair isn’t a variation listed here. Would that one be worth anything?
That is what I am having trouble with. Everything is right except the yellow star which is surprising to me. It’s In GREAT condition and nothing is wrong with it and it has everything. So if anyone knows please let me know.
I would like to know as well. I have one.