Despite being one of the longest running Ty Beanie Babies to be produced, most Squealer's aren't worth very much money unless it's a rare 1st, 2nd or 3rd Generation version.

Squealer The Pig
Original DOB: April 23, 1993
Retired: May 1, 1998
Style Number: 4005
Hang Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Tush Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Squealer Value Guide
Hang Tag Versions Worth Money
1st - 2nd - 3rd
1st Generation: $300+
2nd Generation: $100+
3rd Generation: $50+
*Prices are for authenticated versions
Hang Tag Versions NOT Worth Money
4th Generation
5th Generation

Not Worth Money

Yellow Star on Hang Tag
Not Rare - Very Common
Value: $0.01-$10

Beanie Babies of the Month (BBOC)
Not Rare - Very Common
Value: $0.01-$10
Original 9
Squealer is apart of the Original 9 Beanie Babies group and was one of the very first to be shown off at a 1993 toy show by Ty Warner.
Hey, I was wondering how I would get a generation 1 Squealer to market? I don’t know how authentication processes work or anything. Help would be appreciated.
Also looking for Spike 4060 1996, and Spooky the ghost 4090 1995.
Good day Susan.. Hope you’re off to a great start today. I see this message is from a WHILE back. However, I do hold a mint condition “Spike” as well as “Spooky” you seek. Straight from purchase, right into the armoire lol. They’ve been comfortable for a bit for sure. Only moving them around now due to moving things around in the house. They have all the verifications listed above
I have aSquealer with a 3rd generation hang and 2nd generation tush. Assuming it’s not very rare but thought I’d check!