Hang Tag Generation: 4-5th
Tush Tag Generation: 5-6th
$3 - Mint or New Condition
$0.00-$0.25 - No hang tag
There are two different Batty versions, both style number 4035. There is a brown version and a tie-dye version. Both have about the same value.
I have a batty beany baby with a completely different tag. It has a strange font and the style number listed on the tag. Any thoughts?
Get that checked out that could be worth something
my one is made in Indonesia and is made with PVC pellets it also has no stamp on the back. Is it worth anything?
The batty bat I have is worth 1000 dallied is that true
Hi my name is Nicole Jones..i recently lost my aunt an while going through her things i found a bunch of beanie babies..only 2 of them were really being taken care of an after looking them up it seems 1 is worth something to the right collecter..i have Mystic the unicorn with the iridescent horn an the course yarn for the mane an the tail. It is in like new condition an i really need the money to help with expenses so if u want to make an offer or point me in the right direction were there isnt any scamming going on i would greatly appreciate it. Like i said my name is Nicole Jones an ive recently dealt with a tragedy an it would be next to a miracle to receive a legit offer. Im not a collecter an i really need financial help an i know my aunt would want this pasted on to a legitimate collecter. Contact me via email bttrflyangel2000@yahoo.com
Thank you,
Nicole Jones
I have batty and I also have the glow in the dark samp of Batty. Batty is the Tie Dye version. I love my Beanies but if could will sell them….for good money, other way I will better keep them all.
By the way my Batty is got a Korean stamp inside the fabric tag.
i have Batty the tag says China is it worth anything
i love my batty
make an offer…pincher(no date),gobbles,batty,sammy,scoop,flees,strut,whisper,early,derby,bruno,ants,nuts,jake,pouch,chocolate,claude,gigi,tracker,luke,spike,mel,jolly,,,,, roam and few others. All tagged.