If your Chilly has a Yellow Star on the hang tag it is not worth anything

Hang Tag Generation: 1st Generation
Tush Tag Generation: 1st Generation
Authenticated By: True Blue Beans
Approximate Value: $500++

Hang Tag Generation: 2nd Generation
Tush Tag Generation: 1st Generation
Authenticated By: True Blue Beans
Approximate Value: $325+/-

Hang Tag Generation: 3rd Generation
Tush Tag Generation: 1st Generation
Authenticated By: True Blue Beans
Approximate Value: $200+/-

Beanie Buddy Version
Larger line of Ty plush
Yellow Star on Hang Tag
Approximate Value: $5

McDonalds Teenie Beanie Version
Might be out of package
Yellow Star on Hang Tag
Approximate Value: $1
beanie has errors but not all of the errors. how do you know how much to sell for?
Which Beanie?
Hi I am from the UK and have got two Beanie babies from 1993 One is Chilly Bear and I believe may be either 2nd or 3rd Generation but I am not clear. It has no birth date although it states it was made in 1993 . The bear has Fibre and PVC pellets and the white tush tag with small wring of ty on the red tag with no star. It was distributed from Waterlooville in the UK for TY inc IL USA and was handmade in China the spelling is Chilly The tag has seen better days but is still attached and the beanie itself is in excellent condition. The second is Chocolate the Mouse also with the same tags and tush tag(Black and White) it also has no date of birth but has 1993 clearly marked on it. and distributed to the Uk through Waterlooville TYUK. Please could you tell if they are worth anything I can email pictures of the items with their respective tags etc Thank you
I have chilly with first gen tush . second gen hang .with his name being spelt “chiouy” inside hang tag. Is this common . he is in great shape never played with and kept in plastic bag in tote in smoke free atmosphere . protector on tag in excellent shape . can anyone tell me approx value . thanks MIKE
I have Chilly bear with Chili on both swing and tush tags. Made in China. No yellow star on Swing. Value? Also a Congo swing on a Bongo Monkey. (I have Congo Gorilla)…value? I have misspelled “millennium” bear, Erin and Clover, Halo, Princess and many others for sale…
I’m seeing sellers on ebay trying to sell the McDonald’s Legends Chilly for $300+ siting “errors”. Oakbrook instead of Oak Brook, dates listed. I feel like they are trying to “con” people. This particular beanie isn’t worth anything correct?