All Beanie Babies come with a Ty Hang Tag that will be vital to know if any of your Beanie Babies are worth money.
Hang tags also are referred to as Swing and Heart Tags. Here you will find information on the Hang Tags for the first 4 Generations of Beanie Babies.
Most 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Generation Beanie Babies, with proper tags, can be worth money even today.
Once you start getting into 4th Generation Beanie Babies and up, very few of those are worth money so keep that in mind.
If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment on this page! Happy Beanie hunting!
1st Generation Hang Tags – Skinny Ty Logo

Many people get fooled and think they have a valuable Beanie Baby, only to find out it doesn't have a 1st Generation Hang Tag and was apart of another Generation that was mass produced.
2nd Generation Hang Tags

Be CAREFUL of counterfeit 2nd Generation Hang Tags. You can see a counterfeit U.K. tag below. Notice that the LTD is in all caps. On authentic tags, it will be written Ltd.

Counterfeit Tag

Counterfeit Tag
3rd Generation Hang Tags – Bubble Font Ty

The Ty Logo is now in a “bubble font” style. Beanie Babies with the 3rd Generation Heart Tag and a 1st Generation Tush Tag can be worth money for the right beanie.
There are many different versions of the Heart Tags in the 3rd Generation and below you can see the differences.
3rd Generation Tag - Variation 1
Known as the “German Tags” these can be very rare and sought after for 3rd Generation Beanie Babies. You’ll also notice that the “to” and “from” on the tag will be written in italics while other Beanie Babies with 3rd Generation Heart Tags will have regular font.
On the inside of the Tag it has The Beanie Babies Collection underlined and the words: All Rights Reserved. Caution: Remove this tag before giving toy to a child. Handmade in China. Surface Wash. The back will be distinguishable by the “Importeur Ty Ty Deutschland” at the top of the tag. Also look for the U.K. ‘CE’ mark next to the bar code.

3rd Generation Tag - Variation 2

The 3rd Generation Tag with the “Retain Tag For Reference” phrase on the back of the tag seem somewhat rare. The inside of the tag is also unique as it has the © on the left and also the phrase “For ages 3 and up.”
3rd Generation Tag - Variation 3

The distinguishing feature on these 3rd Generation Swing Tags is that on the back of the tag, it says “Please remove all swing tags before giving this item to a child under 36 months.”
Next to the bar code is the U.K. ‘CE’ logo. On the inside of the tag, only the U.S.A address has the © logo next to it.
3rd Generation Tag - Variation 4

On these 3rd Gen Swing Tags you’ll now notice that the © logo is next to all the addresses on the inside of the tag.
On the back, the phrase is slightly different as it now says: “Please remove all swing tags before giving this item to a child”.
4th Generation Hang Tags – Poems!
These are the first Beanie Babies to have the poem and date of birth written on the swing tag. There are a few different variations of 4th Gen swing tags, be sure to check to see which one you have.

99.9% of Beanie Babies with a 4th Gen Hang Tags are worth less than $5
These were the first tags to have on the tags. The Ty company was having some issues with obtaining the domain name, and on some 4th Generation tags the domain will be cut off, or a white sticker will be applied over the area with the website.
4th Generation Tag Variation – Sticker over
These are considered somewhat rare, as Ty placed a white sticker over the portion of the tag that says: “Visit our Webpage!!!”
You can see that even the sticker doesn’t completely cover up the website text on these 4th Generation Beanie Babies.
Typically Beanies that have this type of tag can sell for $8-50+. Some can be found on eBay for $9.99 or less. It just all depends on which Beanie you have and if there are some collectors out there who will are willing to pay more than $10.

4th Generation Tag Variation – No Website printed at bottom
There are some 4th Generation Tags that instead of a sticker over the website information, they simply leave that off the tag.
This Coral 4th Gen Beanie sold for $26.00 in May 2013. Like the ones with the sticker over the website, these tags can be hit or miss in terms of value. $26.00 is a good price on the Coral and many Beanies with this type of 4th Gen Tag will be worth less than that.

4th Generation Tag Variation – Germany + Website Info
These Swing tags are very common to find on 4th Generation Beanie Babies.
They will have the website information at the bottom (Ty must have paid decent money for the domain) and also the Germany Ty address will be printed on the left hand side of the tag. On these tags the line: The Beanie Babies ™ Collection has the ™ mark.

4th Generation Tag Variation – Canada Address + ®
This variation of the 4th Gen Swing Tag is very similar to the one posted above.
The subtle differences are that is now has the Canada Ty address instead of the Germany one. Also, they but a ® and a ™ in the line: The Beanie Babies ® Collection ™

Hang Tag Information
- 1-4th Generation Hang Tag Guide
- 5th Generation Hang Tag Guide
- 6th Generation Hang Tag Guide
- 7th Generation Hang Tag Guide
- 8th Generation Hang Tag Guide
- 9th Generation Hang Tag Guide
- 10th Generation Hang Tag Guide
- 11th Generation Hang Tag Guide
- 12th Generation Hang Tag Guide
- 13th Generation Hang Tag Guide
- 14th Generation Hang Tag Guide
- 15th Generation Hang Tag Guide
- Tush Tag Information Guide
- Beanie Babies Price Guide
I have over hundred beanie babies can anyone tell they are worth anything I mostly have 5th GEN and and some tags with the style and number on it. Most have P.E pellets bit I had a few P.V.C pellets as. Please if any one has an updated valuables for eash beanie babies I have two Valentino both P.V.C pellets and one tag looks Missy and I think the other one was perfect. And I have rainbow and two jack and hope the bear and snort.
How do you open the plastic tag ?
I would like to know if the beanie babies with the paper tag on the bottom of it are worth anything or does it have to be the cardboard tag please let me know thank you
I have the misspelled millennium bear. How can I sell it?
I have a Valentino white bear with a brown nose but the tag has a yellow star on it and inside it has Valentino style 4058 it leaves a poem and visit my page. How do I know it is rea? Are there any stores near me?
It’s real. Worth about $5
I have a 1987 TY Beanie baby called Blackie which has a red love heart tag that says ‘To You with love. Is this rare?
Super Rare since they didn’t start making Beanies until 1993.
Beanie baby’s are worthless. They should have made hackey sacs instead.
I have a princess bear that has the yellow star on its tag, but inside it doesn’t have the It says all profits of Ty from this collectible will be donated to the Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fund. With a poem. Does this one run the same price as the other 4th generations?
Patti the platypus
PVC pellets
no stamp on tush
no comma after oak brook
oak brook is one word “oakbrook” on both tags
the capital i looks like a lower case l
Mint condition
Plastic tag protector
Tag mint
Plastic box
Smokeless home
Claude the Crab
PE pellets
Doesn’t say “visit our web page,,”
Has a space after the word shell and before the exclamation point
Date of birth is spelled out “September 3, 1996”
Mint condition
Plastic tag protector
Tag mint
Plastic box
Smokeless home
Claude the crab
PVC pellets
Doesn’t say UK in the address on the left
Capital i looks like a lowercase l
No comma after oak brook, oak brook spelled as one word “oakbrook” on both tags
No stamp on the tush
Mint condition
Plastic tag protector
Tag mint
Plastic box
Smokeless home
I own a Valentino where on his tush tag where the word The Beanie Babie(s) Collection is, on the word Babies the ‘s’ is a number ‘5’. So it reads ‘Babie5’ Ive never seen that error have you??? I have more errors than just that.
looks like 4th generation tag, but says buddy instead of baby..bigger than most bb
I have a pink valentino with no ear tag but has 1999 on tush, no red tag (looks silver), capital TY, PE pellets, Oakbrook usa. This was Found in the bottom of a box I bought at a yardsale. Is it worth anything?
I have A Di bear and an Erin, excellent condition with tags. They say commerative could be from out of the USA. Trying to find a values
I have an Erin, mint confition.. i bought to honor my mom, born March 17
I I have many beanie babies with 1st generation ty tags and would love to sell …how do I do this
Hi, Hey i’m trying to find a seller and was hoping you made a contact or two? if you can help that would be greatly appreciated. my name is Jeremiah and i found an old box of these things and from what i have researched so far, there definitely worth a shot so on an honest effort found myself looking here.
I have a bongo with a McDonald’s toy replica
Where can i go to find out how much my Spinner Spider Beanie Baby (1996 -4th generation heart tag) with a 1997 Hissy tush tag would be worth if anything???
Hello, I have 5 dalmatian beanies. All tush tags say Dotty but 4 ear tags say Sparky. Obviously not rare. What should I use for an asking price? Thank you for your time.
have you communicated, with anyone of with current and, accurate knowledge? pls help if you have i am confused but excited about finding a small box of old toys and found ty babies and even have two still in the mcdonald’s plastic bags my name is Jeremiah Hanner contact me on fb look up jeremiah giovanni or Blu-Jay CORES LLc i’m on google fb and email is thank you
How do you value a beanie baby. We came into a lot that seem to be early generation. Ex. Inch with a skinny tag.
I acquired 34 beanie babies and I’m not a collector and don’t know much about them. 5 of them are 1st. Gen. With the flat 2 sided hang tag.
1- twigs
2. bongo
3. seamore
4. doby
5. Happy
Looking for advise on value and offers. Thanks
How do I tell if my beanie baby is Worth anything, I have a blush pillow plush bulldog, bruiser. Third generation tag.