Some Original Nine 1st Generation Beanie Babies can be worth money. It all depends on certain factors, mainly the tags.
Pricing your Beanie Babies can be a confusing process. You might have landed on this page because you think you have a Beanie Baby worth money, unfortunately very few will have value.
Look For These Tags!
Here is a shortcut for you:
Only Original 9 Beanie Babies with these Tush Tags will be worth money!
Yes, its actually that easy.

1st Generation Tush Tag
The most rare tush tag!
If your Beanie has this tush tag it can ONLY have a 1st, 2nd or 3rd Generation Hang Tag.

2nd Generation Tush Tag
ONLY 3rd Generation HANG Tag Beanie Babies can have this tush tag!
This Tag is Not worth money!
Sadly, most commonly you will have a tag that looks like this. These Beanie Babies were mass produced in millions of quantity.
There is a lot of misinformation online about Beanie Babies prices. Take a deep breath, if yours has this tag, it's not good.

Why Are Some Original 9 Beanie Babies Worth Money & Some Are Not?
Most of the Original Nine Beanie Babies were released for many years and will have different tag "Generations".
You might have a Legs, or Patti but if it doesn't have a 1st Generation OR 2nd Generation Tush Tag it's not worth very much money.
Authenticated Beanie Babies
1st Generation Beanie Babies that sell for the most money are typically authenticated by 3rd party services such as: PBBags, True Blue Beans and Peggy Gallagher.
Many fakes and counterfeit Beanie Babies were created during their popularity in the 1990's which created a need for these authentication providers.

Original Nine
Beanie Babies
Cubbie The Bear
Original DOB: November 14, 1993 (Brownie)
Retired: December 31, 1997
Style Number: 4010
Hang Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Tush Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Originally released under the name Brownie. Besides the tags, Cubbie and Brownie are designed the same. Ones with the Brownie tag are almost impossible to find and are extremely rare.
1st Generation tags with either Brownie or Cubbie are also very difficult to find and are worth money.
In 1993, Brownie and Punchers (Pinchers) were the very first Ty beanie babies to be shown to the public at a Tennessee Toy Show. Later in 1993, the Original 9 Beanie Babies were then displayed at the New York Toy Show.
There are five generations of hang tags and six generations of the tush tags for Cubbie. The only ones worth money are the 1st generation and the 2nd generation hang tag versions.
The Chicago Cubs gave away many of these bears at games, the first giveaway of 10,000 in May 1997. Cubs giveaway versions can be worth about $10-50 depending on the condition. The Chicago Cubs versions come with a special card that state which giveaway date the bear comes from.
Pinchers The Lobster
Original DOB: June 19, 1993 (Punchers)
Retired: May 1, 1998
Style Number: 4026
Hang Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Tush Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
One of the first two Ty Beanie Babies ever released along with Brownie (Cubbie) under the name Punchers. It is believed that the Punchers name was just a typo mistake and was quickly changed to Pinchers on 1st Generation tags.
Versions with the mis-spelled 1st generation tag are worth good money but are very rare and virtually impossible to find.
1st Generation Pincher Beanie Babies are the ones worth the most. In nice condition 1st Generation Pinchers can be worth more then $200. There appears to be versions with "long antennas".
Chocolate The Moose
Original DOB: April 27, 1993
Retired: December 31, 1998
Style Number: 4015
Hang Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Tush Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
There are five generations of Hang Tags for Chocolate the Moose. The only versions worth money will have either a 1st, 2nd or 3rd Generation Hang Tag, and a 1st or 2nd Generation Tush Tag.
Versions with the 1st Generation Hang Tag can sell for a lot, easy $200 and the better the condition the price goes up from there. But 2nd Generation and 3rd Generation versions can sell for a little bit as well. Like most beanie babies, the lower the generation tag (1G, 2G, 3G) the higher value the beanie baby may be worth.
One unique characteristic about the 4th Generation versions of Chocolate the Moose is that it was the first Ty Beanie Babies to feature a poem. You can guess what Chocolate the Moose's favorite treat must be! This can be a popular Halloween beanie baby.
Squealer The Pig
Original DOB: April 23, 1993
Retired: May 1, 1998
Style Number: 4005
Hang Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Tush Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Squealer the Pig was one of the longest running beanie babies from the Original Nine, not retiring until 1998. But the values for Squealer The Pig are a little lower then some of the other beanie babies on this page, perhaps because a Pig isn't seen as cute as some other animals.
3rd Generation - 5th Generation Hang Tag versions of Squealer are not worth very much money, typically less then $5. Squealer would be a great start to your 1st generation collection because you can find them relatively cheap on places like eBay and Amazon.
Splash The Whale
Original DOB: July 8, 1993
Retired: May 11, 1997
Style Number: 4022
Hang Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4
Tush Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3
Original Nine Beanie Babies Splash and Flash look a lot alike, Splash is the black and white whale version and Flash is grey.
Splash was one of the very first beanie babies to be retired and only has four generations of hanger tags. 1st Generation versions can be worth upwards of $200+ and ones in good condition sell for even more.
First Generation Beanie Babies might also have the Ty (UK) LTD sticker on the back making them even more rare. Having the UK sticker on the back of the Ty Hang Tag will increase the value on all 1st Generation Beanie Babies.
Flash The Whale
Original DOB: May 13, 1993
Retired: May 11, 1997
Style Number: 4021
Hang Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4
Tush Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3
Flash and Splash made their debut at the same time and were also retired at the same time. Ty began making Echo the Dolphin after they retired the original two whales.
There is a very rare 4th Generation Hang Tag variation on some of the Flash Beanie Babies that spell the name "Fiash".
Prices for Splash and Flash are about the same. 1st Generation versions are worth the most, while the most common version, 4th Generation, can be hard to sell.
Legs The Frog
Original DOB: April 25, 1993
Retired: October 1, 1997
Style Number: 4020
Hang Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4
Tush Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Legs the Frog is one of the most mass produced beanie babies and only 1st, 2nd or 3rd Generation Hang Tag versions are worth money.
The most common version, with a 4th Generation Hang Tag, are worth less than $10.
All of the Original Nine Ty Beanie Babies were mass produced after the 3rd Generation versions. None of the 4th Generation Ty Beanie Babies carry much value from the Original Nine series.
Spot The Dog
Original DOB: January 3, 1993
Retired: April 13, 1994
Style Number: 4000
Hang Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4
Tush Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4
The very first Spot the Dog Beanie Babies were produced with no spot and come with the 1st or 2nd Generation Hang Tag and only a 1st Generation Tush Tag. No Spot Beanie Babies are very rare and worth more than most 1st Generation Original Nine Beanie Babies.
Some 2nd Generation Spot the Dog Beanie Babies come with a spot. All 3rd and 4th Generation Spot's will have a Spot.
There are Beanie Babies of the Month (BBOM) replicas of the original nine versions, including both Spot's with and without a spot. The BBOM versions aren't worth as much.
Patti The Platypus
Original DOB: January 6, 1993
Retired: 1993
Style Number: 4025
Hang Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Tush Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Patti the Platypus went through many different color schemes. It is one of the most commonly found Beanie Babie. 99.9% of all Patti's are worthless. The only versions that have any value will have a 1st Generation Tush Tag.
Patti is named after one of Ty Warner's longtime girlfriend and business partners Patricia Roche.