One of the Original Nine Beanie Babies.
Authenticator Peggy Gallagher once sold 12 Patti's for $800 each in 1996.
Ty founder Ty Warner wrote the Patti poem himself.

Patti The Platypus
Original DOB: January 6, 1993
Retired: 1993
Style Number: 4025
Hang Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Tush Tag Generations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Patti Value Guide
Hang Tag Versions Worth Money
1st - 2nd - 3rd
1st Generation: $500+
2nd Generation: $300+
3rd Generation: $50+
*Prices are for authenticated versions
Hang Tag Versions NOT Worth Money
4th Generation
5th Generation

Not Worth Money

Hang Tag: 2nd Generation
Tush Tag: 1st Generation
Authenticated By: True Blue Beans
*Raspberry Version
Sold For: $690
Date Sold: April 2017

Hang Tag: 1st Generation
Tush Tag: 1st Generation
Authenticated By: True Blue Beans
*Korean Tags
Sold For: $500
Date Sold: July 2014

Hang Tag: 3rd Generation
Tush Tag: 1st Generation
Authenticated By: True Blue Beans
*Maroon Version
Sold For: $150
Date Sold: March 2017

Hang Tag: 4th/5th Generation
Tush Tag: Any
Value: $0.01-$10
Original 9
Patti is apart of the Original 9 Beanie Babies group and was one of the very first to be shown off at a 1993 toy show by Ty Warner.
I have a 1993 Patti with a tag error. There is no comma after Oakbrook IL. What could the potential price be for this?
I also have a 1993 Patti with the same error Sean mentioned above as well as several other errors. My beanie has a 4th generation hang tag and 3rd generation Korean tush tag. On the tush tag it says “SUFRACE” instead of surface wash. It also looks as if there was a misprint in the lower case “i” making it read “BeanIe Babies” on the tush tag. Lastly, it was made with P.V.C Pellets, which I read was rarer. Could you let me know what a potential price for this beanie would be? Thanks.
They fall under the 4th Gen category. All versions, no matter the errors or origin are worth about $5 or so.
I only discovered your site when inventorying my collections, one being Beanie Babies. Want to thank you for such an amazing, thorough and helpful site for us collectors and “sellers”.
I have a raspberry 1993 Patti. The only thing I can see in error is a period after Oakbrook instead of a comma. It’s in perfect condition.I also have Speedy the turtle-same condition as Patti. If it’s not too much trouble, can you tell me the cash value of each? Thank you very much h.
There are no yellow stars on the hang tags.
I have Hippity the rabbit with the tush tag name of Dotty. Excellent condition. With hang tag and p.v.c. pellets.
I have a freezie Beanie Baby that has two hanging tags one is blank and one has the regular information on it does this add value to it having the blank tag attached?
I have a Peace bear that has the space after the last word and the exclamation mark
I hope someone can assist me. I have about 40 Beanie Babies that have been plastic cases for years. Never have they been handled and all are in mint condition. I want to sell them but don’t know how to go about it.
How can you tell what generation the Beanie babies come from ? I have a big plastic box full of beanie bares , never been played with. I also have 5 Clubby Bears with small ones to match . Never been played with . Would love to sell.
You can tell by the hang tags that is how you know what generation it is?
I have a Patti without the hang tag. It does still have the TY label sewn into it with a 1993 production date. How do I find out what generation it is??
I have a raspberry Patti and a grey inky no mouth also a bronty and chilli and royal blue peanut,and a pride “maple” bear know any buyers?
Hi I would really appreciate some help. I have a Patti the Platapus all tags in perfect condition it is 1993 and made in hand made Indonesia. What it be worth? Thanks!
I have a beanie named Peter, handmade in China with pvc pellets and a 3rd generation hang tag, it’s a fuzzy bear dresses like a pumpkin ( I think). I can’t find information anywhere about this beanie. There is no style number on it, under his name which is Peter, it says trick or treat
It’s from the Attics Treasure Collection
i have a pati from1993, pvc pellets and no tag. anyone know what its worth